QUESTION   I deleted a user and the projects they owned. Can I retrieve this data?

ANSWER  Yes, as long as it was in the last 180 days.

Workplace tracks all user activities, including deletions, and we retain your deleted files for at least 180 days so you can restore them if you need to.

SECURITY  You must have Super Administrator privileges to access this function.

  1. Login to Workplace Online.
  2. Go to Team > Manage Projects.
  3. Open the dropdown menu at the top left corner of the list and select Projects by Deleted Members.
  4. Click the deleted user.
  5. Right-click the project you wish to retrieve and select Reassign.
  6. Select the user to whom you want to reassign the project.
  7. Click Reassign Project. The new project owner will now be able to access the project.

For more information, please refer to Manage Projects.