Manage end clients

SECURITY  Full Access or Team Access privileges in Workplace Manager

NAVIGATION  Manage Teams > Teams > right-click on a team > Manage Team or open the Team Detail page and click Manage Team

When you create a new team, you can choose to set up an Administrator user account for the new team that will allow them to administer their Workplace Online site themselves. The Administrator user can then configure their site, set up users and groups, manage devices, and generate reports.

However, not all clients want to administer their own site. For this reason, and to assist you with troubleshooting if necessary, Workplace Manager administrators are able to log into the client site and either take over or assist with site administration. They have access to the Team, Configuration and Reports tabs of the client's Workplace Online, but not to the Files tab. The features on these tabs work exactly as they would for a client Administrator or Super Administrator.

IMPORTANT  The Workplace Manager view of the client site does not include access to any projects or stored data unless those permissions are explicitly granted by a team Super Administrator. They can do so by selecting the Enable Super Admin access for your service provider check box on the Manage Projects page of Workplace Online.

NOTE  To help you administer client teams, please refer to the Workplace online help.

How to...