QUESTION   I installed the Workplace app on my Mac, but I can't find the Workplace Folder.

I installed the Workplace app on my Mac, but now I don't see the Workplace Folder. Where did it go, and how can I find it easily in the future?

ANSWER  Add it to Favorites or create an alias (shortcut).

The easiest way to access your Workplace folder is to click the Workplace icon in the menu bar, then select Workplace...

By default, the Workplace Folder is placed in the Home folder on Macs.

On recent iterations of the Mac OS, the Home folder is not readily visible.

To access the Home folder:

  1. In the menu bar, select Go.
  2. Then select Home. The Workplace Folder should now be visible.
  3. To make this folder easily accessible:
    Drag the folder to the sidebar and release it while hovering over Favorites, or
    Create an alias (shortcut) by dragging the folder to the desired location while holding down the cmd and alt keys.

NOTE  For more information about the Workplace Folder and how to use it, refer to Workplace Folder.